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What Age Can a Child Button and Unbutton Clothing?

Developing new skills is an exciting time for babies, toddlers, and big kids. There are numerous firsts that signal a child is growing more independent, including walking, running, and attempting to dress themselves. It can be stressful for children and parents when a child seeks the independence to dress themselves but struggle to button and unbutton their clothing.

This difficultly is a normal part of child development because this skill requires fine motor skills. These skills develop at different ages, unique to each child, but there are things parents can do to help. The following informational guide was developed to help parents better understand their little one’s motor skill development. We will also reveal fun ways to help your child improve these skills.

Gross Motor Skills Vs. Fine Motor Skills
Children generally have an easier time developing their gross motor skills than their fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are tasks that involve using large muscle groups and require less hand-eye coordination.

Examples of Gross Motor Skills Include:
• Sitting Up
• Crawling
• Walking
• Throwing

Fine motor skills require children to master using the small muscles in the hands and fingers. This requires improved dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

Examples of Fine Motor Skills Include:
• Picking Up Small Items
• Holding a Pencil
• Buttoning/ Unbuttoning Clothing

Mastering fine motor skills is an important part of teaching children to take care of their own basic needs and improves a child’s confidence. This is a process that is not going to happen overnight. Parents should start helping children practice these skills early in life for the best chance of success.

Why Are Fine Motor Skills Important?

Developing fine motor skills is important because varying degrees of these skills are required for everyday activities. Children will need to practice to master these skills and gain the abilities needed to hold utensils, brush their teeth, and button their clothing.
This independence is crucial for a child’s self-confidence and future skill attainment. Confident children are healthier, excited to learn new skills, and will be more successful when they go to school.

Ways to Help Children Develop Fine Motor Skills

Buttoning and unbuttoning clothing requires children to use fine motor skills, including gaining better control of their thumbs. This can be frustrating for many children to master and should be approached in a positive and fun manner.

You can help your child work on these skills through several exercises and techniques that involve using their pincer grip. This grip involves developing strength and coordination of the thumb and forefinger of the hand, an important element of learning to button and unbutton clothing.

Learning new skills should not be a stressful experience. There are numerous games that children enjoy that can help them improve their abilities and have fun.
Fun Ideas Include:
• Bath Play
• Sand Play
• Paper Airplanes

Arts and Crafts
Art and craft activities are fun activities that are beneficial to motor skills, creativity, and self-esteem. There are arts and crafts for children of all ages to enjoy.

Ideas Include:
• Finger Painting
• Coloring with Crayons
• Drawing
• Chalk Play

You can experiment with different art materials to keep your little one interested and engaged in the activities.

Puzzles are a great way to help your child develop their pincer grip, improve cognitive skills, and self-esteem. Start by presenting your toddler with puzzles that have large pieces and are simple to solve. As always, use caution and never leave a young child alone with any small pieces.

Growing a garden provides a child with numerous benefits, instills the value of hard work, and teaches the rewards that this brings. Children are also thrilled to watch as their veggie or flower seeds grow.

Help Your Child Learn to Button Clothing
The majority of children are eager to begin dressing themselves, oftentimes, at ages when they are still too young. Rather than ignore this, or become frustrated, parents should respect their little one’s interest in their independence. There are ways to help them learn to button clothing without wasting too much time or your child becoming upset.

Start Small
The best way to help your child develop these skills is to start small. Have your little one start dressing with one article of clothing at a time. For example, have your child begin by putting on their own undergarments, including socks and underwear. Toddlers are generally interested in helping get themselves dressed by completing these tasks.

Start Early
Dressing themselves requires children to utilize several skills in addition to their fine motor skills. These include their cognitive skills, awareness of time and space, and language skills.

Start early by teaching your baby the words for each type of clothing as you dress them. As they grow into toddlers use more descriptive words, including the size and color of the articles of clothing.

Stay Calm
Most toddlers will master putting on their pants much sooner than they will be able to button and/or zip them. This is because pulling up pants uses gross motor skills rather than fine ones. The most important thing is to allow your child to practice and attempt to button them and to stay calm.

Each Child Is Unique
The most important aspect to remember is that every child hits developmental milestones at their own pace. No two children should be compared for varying speeds of developing these skills. Parents should discuss any developmental delays with their pediatrician if they are concerned an underlying issue may exist.

kidpik Creates Custom Clothing Boxes for All Stages of Development

kidpik is a children’s clothing subscription box that provides quality apparel for children of all ages. Each box is custom-curated for your child’s unique style preference and contains 7 high-quality items, including shoes.
kidpik takes the guesswork out of what clothing your little one should wear while developing these skills. They offer parents free returns, exchanges, and the freedom to keep only the items they wish.

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