5 DIY Coachella-Inspired Crafts for Moms and Kids to Create Unique Festival Fashion!

Are you like us and, every year, counting down the days to Coachella? While attending the music festival in person may not be possible, you can still experience the fun and creativity and include your kids by making your Coachella-inspired fashion and ...

5 DIY Coachella-Inspired Crafts for Moms and Kids to Create Unique Festival Fashion!

Are you like us and, every year, counting down the days to Coachella? While attending the music festival in person may not be possible, you can still experience the fun and creativity and include your kids by making your Coachella-inspired fashion and accessories at home! Here are five easy and exciting DIY ideas to bring the festival spirit to your doorstep.

Flower Crowns

Flower crowns are a staple accessory at Coachella and are easy to make at home. You only need some floral wire, fake flowers, and a hot glue gun. Cut the floral wire to fit around your head, then glue the flowers onto the wire. Let your inner child come alive and mix and match different flowers and styles to create a unique and personalized crown. Perfect to match with our flowy dresses.


Tie-Dye T-shirts

Tie-dye is a popular trend at Coachella, and it's a fun activity for kids and parents to do together. Buy a plain white T-shirt and tie it in different patterns using rubber bands. Then, dip the shirt in dye and let it sit for a few hours. Rinse the shirt in cold water and let it dry. You can experiment with different colors and patterns to create a unique and colorful t-shirt for your boho look.


Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets are a classic festival accessory that kids and parents can make together. You will only need some embroidery floss and a few basic knots. You can create different patterns and colors to match your festival outfits. Easy and so perfect for your little ones to channel their creative side with a touch of style.


Glitter Hair and Body Art

Glitter is a must-have accessory at Coachella, and you can create your own glitter hair and body art at home. All you need is glitter, aloe vera gel, and a brush. Mix the glitter with the aloe vera gel and apply it to your hair or body. You can experiment with different colors and shapes to create a unique and sparkly look. Go wild with stickers tattoos, and match your look with one of our cool graphic tees.


DIY Sunglasses

Customize your sunglasses with some paint and glitter. Buy a pair of fun sunglasses and use color and glitter to create a unique and personalized design. You can add rhinestones or get one with rhinestones and add other decorations for extra bling. Pair skirts or shorts with fringe detailing, and you're ready to explore the great outdoors!


Whether you're planning to attend Coachella or want to experience the festival spirit at home, these DIY Coachella-inspired crafts are the perfect way to get creative and bond with your kids. Remember to share your creations with us on social media using the hashtag #KidpikchellaDIY! And for more kids' clothing and accessories that are perfect for any festival occasion, check out our website. Let's make this festival season one to remember with Kidpik!"

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